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Continental Vacation Services
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5/26/2010 9:06 AM (PST)

does anyone ever get their money back from Continental Vacations Services and how can this be handled legally

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5/26/2010 10:07 AM (PST)


You will likely not get your money back from this company. You will have better luck disputing your credit card,if you used a credit card. As you can see on their BBB report, they didn't respond to the two complaints on file and have numerous reviews about their deceptive and misleading business practices.

Since there is no market for buying timeshares companies like this prey on consumers using high pressure sales practices enticing you to believe someone is waiting on the line to buy your timeshare when this is clearly not the case. You can file a complaint with the BBB so it is on record but I suggest you follow up with the Florida Attorney Generals office at!OpenDocument

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10/21/2010 11:49 AM (PST)

I'd report them to every blog I could find, every timeshare group that would let me post, every regulatory agency that will listen. I think they are the lowest of the low. CVS got me for $999 back in March 2010. They kept me hanging on for 7 months with ongoing details about the issues they were having with the 'buyer' for my timeshare sale. I was quite aggrevated by the delays all summer, but figured they were just idiot buyers and didn't have a clue how things should be done. It wasn't until I called in on Aug. 6 that CVS told me the buyer bailed, citing loss of income, and when I nearly fell apart at the news, the woman I was speaking with seemed genuinely sorry. They had always answered their phone, always updated me when I called, were always pleasant, seemed to be concerned that things were not going well with the sale and told me they'd continue to work on my behalf until this was done.

Last week I called for another update and things got weird. They were very formal, saying they were continuing to 'market my timeshare as per our contract', something they'd never said to me before. They denied having any information about the many, many conversations I'd had with them about the buyers during the prior 7 months, all of which I'd documented of course! I said I wanted to cancel and they got nasty, refusing my refund 'per our contract' that states my refund is only valid upon closing. I know now that my sale will never close and that's how they get away with it.

I turned copies of all my notes and their slick presentation materials over to my credit card company just last week, the day after they got nasty with me, but usually disputes must be initiated within 60 days of the charge. My bank says they sometimes make exceptions based on the circumstances and I'm hoping my notes spanning 7 months will help. Maybe that's why CVS kept the charade going so long....but 7 months seems like overkill to me. I'm furious at the loss of my money, but I'm even more angry about their bold-face lies and the extent to which they continued their deception. It's going to be hit or miss if my bank can do anything at this late date, but I am hopeful. The Florida Attorney General is my next stop....

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