Joseph C.'s review of Asail Solution, Inc.

Asail Solution, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/28/2010
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Review 6/28/2010
Asail Solution is a bib/HUGE SCAM!! They are associated with no credit/no down, an organization also linked to the Hidalgo Finance Group.

Two months ago, my wife and I applied for a mortgage through these people (Patrick was "the man"). He got all of my wife's and my information, including ss#, tax records, personal id's...EVERYTHING!! We were told he needed these to get a loan for us through the Hidalgo Finance Group. They were going to use the $8K in first time home buyer credits for our down payment towards a repossessed home that was selling for no more than 72k.

We jumped through all of the hoops and Patrick said we were approved and that we needed to find our own real estate agent to get the listings from Hidalgo, since his real estate agents were too busy to is the actual email from Patrick:

Dear applicants,

We have received a large amount of calls, emails and online chats from many of you who have checking status of your mortgage applications.

The good news is you are on the list for a Realtor to call you and begin the home shopping process; the challenge is that our program was so successful, that we have more applicants than the banks have Realtors to show all the properties quickly. I’m here to help you cut your time down and get you out looking for a new home immediately.

The finance company is allowing you to contact Realtors in your area and have them sign up to be authorized agents of the finance company so they can send your Realtor the listings in your area that you’re qualified for.

Just call a local Realtor and let them know that you’ve been pre-approved on a mortgage from a list of specific bank owned properties. All the Realtors have to do is sign up to be an authorized agent so they can request the list of homes from the finance company they can show you and the Realtors close the sale.

You simply send them to this link :the Realtor can then sign up and a contract will be sent to them which they fax back to the finance company authorizing them to show the bank owned properties. Once they sign and fax it back, the Realtor can request the listings available in your area via email and begin showing you houses immediately.

This works better for you so that you don’t have to wait in line for one of the Bank Realtors to finally call you; if they do you can say you’re already in the process.

So reach out to your local Remax or Century 21 or whoever in your area that is a licensed Realtor and get them to sign up and we’ll get you moving finally. I’d like to apologize for the delay but at the same time, we’re happy to be putting this many people in their 1st homes including you.

Also, as the home deals close that are currently in the progress,, we will be providing an online page of additional qualified Realtors across the country to you just in case your having and challenges locating a Realtor in your area on your own.

Kind regards


R. R. Patrick, Client Services
No Credit No Down (TM)
A Division of Hidalgo Bancorp
Phone: 800 |690-4290 ext1
Fax: 702 | 664-0046

This was dated May 12, 2010. According to Patrick, we only had until 6/30/2010 to find and close on a suitable home. Neither our Real Estate lady nor I have been able to reach the Hidalgo Bancorp to get listings and I have tried numerous times to get ahold of Patrick, to no avail.

THIS IS A HUGE SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be fooled as we were!!! I can't believe this company has an a- rating with the BBB. It should be an F-...Buyer Beware!!!

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