Bernhard C.'s review of Berts Mega Mall

Berts Mega Mall

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/27/2011
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Review 7/27/2011
This business over charge the customers. Shipping and handling is twice or three times more than it should be. Used motorcycles are so expensive..They do not want to negotiate. The salesperson always keeps saying to me that the high price does not matter because a lot of people are willing pay for this bike and price. So, its okay if you do not like or want the price or the deals here because somebody will buy it sooner or later..well they lose a potential buyer and customer.. And another thing, I went there to look for kawasaki ninja 250r, they said its all gone, but there's some used one. the sale person went to storage area and when he came back..he said "I'm sorry theres nothing left", he said they just sold it, so he keeps telling me that there are other great bikes, and I keep telling him i really like and very comfortable with the 250r. Suddenly, he remembers that there is one used kawasaki ninja 250r at the back/storage, so we went there and there it is. I'm so excited because this is the color that i want, but then again....the PRICE is so ridiculous. He told me after he talked to the manager that i can take it home for 6000 plus DOLLARS. I said thank you and left the building.
Business's response - by Bert's Mega Mallon 7/27/2011
Hello C. Bernhard, I apologize for the experience you had here at Bert's recently, and I would like to explain a few things to you about our processes. We have such a large amount of inventory that not every salesman knows where all of our used inventory is at especially if it shows in inventory and it hasnt gone through the proper inspections or proccessing yet. I apologize if you felt that our prices are high however, our shipping and handling charges are within legal California guidelines. We are the #1 used and new motorcycle shop in the world. We do not train our salespeople to treat our customers how your were treated , and for that we are sorry. If there is anything else that we may be able to help you with please let us know. Thank you!
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