Review 10/8/2010
This company is fraudulent beware they were called (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PROTECTION GROUP)I was one of their clients when suddenly they shut down with no warning and never refunded my money $2995.00 exactly for service not completed now they go by this new name and to get back to previous clients they left behind to offer a member ship service of $199.00 per month and a $500.00 to start I know this because they called months after shut down to make me a offer because of my loss money with them and they would offer to take my file again and to modified my mortgage payment ONE BIG FRAUD AFTER ANOTHER DONT BE THE NEXT VICTIME YOU WORK TO HARD FOR YOUR LIVING SO THIS BADSTERS COME ALONE AND STEAL YOUR MONEY AND RUN AWAY WITH A PASUADED LIE WARNING CAUTION TO THIS COMPANY SO CALLED NONE PROFIT. Bring Mike Wayman and DON Brokaw to prison where they belong! For more information about these two fraudulent persons go to:(getoutofdebt.org)it is stunning information.