We had lost our home to a short sale after our business failed in 2008. In June of 2012 the home we were renting was being foreclosed upon and we needed to move fast. Because of the $206K debt that was hanging over us from the short sale four years prior, the banks would obviously not grant us a home loan. We had prayed for a home that was large enough for our five children and also large enough to adopt more children. We wanted to purchase a home so we could be in a stable place before adopting again. The mortgage payment would need to be less than rent in our area. Such a home appeared on the market and in a step of faith, made an offer on it. We had three weeks to resolve our debt in order to purchase the home. FRUSA was part of our miracle. These men prayed with us and set out to fight on our behalf. Our debt was RESLOVED within two weeks of meeting with Justin and Paul- the day after another offer had been made on our "miracle home."
Today, we are living in this "miracle home"- built by a man who had been an orphan and had prayed it would be used to help children. Today, we await a phone call from the social worker to tell us who our next children are.
We cant say enough about the integrity, efficiency and kindness of the men at FRUSA. Without them, we would not be here- waiting with open arms for more precious children in need of a home. Thank you FRUSA.