Ronald E. B.'s review of Focus Interpreting, Inc.

Focus Interpreting, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/11/2012
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Selin and his covering group are consistently the best of the best.
I have had the pleasure to know and work with Selin Cacao for two years. I have had various interpreters assist me on nearly a daily basis since I returned to California in 1996. An average interpreter will slow you down and cause the patients to wait longer to be seen and have less actual quality minutes with the doctor. A bad interpreter is very dangerous for the patient, the doctor and the clinic. They can reduce the patients confidence in the care they are receiving to the point that the patient may believe that they have been mistreated and leave the practice and even retain legal counsel not just for work comp representation but medical malpractice. I have avoided these issues by only using quality people. Selin and his covering group are consistently the best of the best. They are much better than employees because they are willing to go the extra mile -- sometimes literally to cover a translation or two many miles away. Please consider having Selin Cacao and focus interpreting be a major part of translation services at USHW. I must be frank, I would be very disappointed if he was not providing translation services for my patients.
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