Review 2/25/2009
Hello everyone! I am just leaving a 100% POSITIVE feedback for U.S.A. Mortgage Aide!!! Words cannot describe what I can tell you about this company but......JUST DO IT!!! If you want to save your home, then contact them immediately!!! My husband and I were about 2 weeks away from a sale date on our home when U.S.A. Mortgage Aide called and told me that they got our interest rate knocked down from almost 8% to 4.824% FIXED for the life of the loan. We were in a repayment plan with Litton Loan Servicing for about a year, which we had to struggle sooo much to pay for our house. It has been the worst financial year of our life!!!! Our last repayment plan had a monthly payment of $1695.00 and U.S.A. Mortage Aide brought our payments down to $1082.35. How awesome is that!!!! Now, we can breathe every month and we can actually afford our house!! I am so happy that I made the call to U.S.A. Mortgage Aide because it has chancged our lives, forever!!!! I tried to talk to my mortgage company on my own to find out if we were eligible for a loan modification and they kept telling me NO! All I could say was.....WHY NOT??? We were clearly not financially stable to make the $1695 payments every month. I am a stay-at-home mom and my husband works construction, it was very hard, especially around X-mas time and we have 2 kids to support. We were barely making it!!!! I had gotten 2 postcards in the mail from U.S.A. Mortgage Aide and had set them aside for a while, and then one day I just got fed up with not ever having any extra money and struggling evry day, so I decided to call them. It was the best phone call I ever made!!! I would like to especially thank Samantha Esquivel, who was our underwriter and who did most of the negotiating with Litton Loan Servicing. Yes, there is a fee of $1500.00, BUT, they let us pay it in 2 installments of $750.00 and you don't have to pay your mortgage untill this is final and you do NOT speak to your mortgage company untill it is all final. they were very easy to work with and very helpful and understanding when it came time to make the $750 payments for their service. We did this around X-mas time, so we had very little money on hand and they worked with us so we were able to pay them when it was convenient for us!!!! U.S.A. Mortgage Aide called us once EVERY single week to give us an update as to what was going on, which was very reassuring!!!! I would also like to thank Eli Mandelbaum, he is the one who answered when I first called about all of this, he was very, very nice and SUPER helpful with all of this!!!!! Also, I wanted to thank each and every one of you from U.S.A. Mortgage Aide who has helped with our situation, there were 1 or 2 other people who made the update phone calls to us for our underwriter, Samantha. So, thanks a bunch to all of you who helped save our home!!!! We are very, very grateful to all of you for this help that we so desperately needed!!!!! To anyone in the same situation that my husband and I were in, please, please, I cannot stress enough, give U.S.A. Mortgage Aide a call and see what they can do for you!!!! God Bless each and every person with this company because they really are there to help all of us in this horrible mortgage crisis!!!! They do nothing but help people in bad situations!!!! If I lived in California, I would want to work for this company because their job is so gratifying, I would love to be able to help people every day!!!! So, THANK YOU so much AGAIN, for all of your help and concern with our unique situation!!!! I really hope that you can help more and more people in this country with their homes because it was the best decision that I have ever made and it was definately an answer to prayer for us!!!! Thank You all so very much and I wish all of you from U.S.A. Mortgage Aide, the very best, ALWAYS!!!!!