Worst furniture ever
Moved into a new home and needed some furniture fairly fast. Found E budget furniture on line, I ordered a new bed frame, Mattress and box springs, futon couch, Mirror. Right off the bat they did not have the bed frame I wanted, I had to take one that did not match my dresser and night stands. 1st disappointment,. The delivery went OK I had an appointment set and they came several hours late rushed and unloaded the furniture. Ok so now we begin to assemble, started with the bed first. We were a little upset where the furniture was made...Vietnam, it did not set well with my husband who is a vietnam vet and has a service connected illness as a result. The bed frame was made real cheaply and made of junky wood, It lasted until the last payment was made 11 months later and the wood shattered and splintered, of course now the warranty is up. The Mattress and Box springs. The Mattress is too thick 18 in which none of my sheets fit, the sides of the mattress has collapsed and now is very uncomfortable. Very poorly made. Box spring is still in good shape. Now for the Futon couch,, By far it is the worst of all the furniture we purchased. When we started to assemble the couch, we found the lining on the back and front torn,. It took quite a while to get them to repair the couch, now today 18 months later the couch is shot the seat has collapsed the back has not cush to it, we no longer can sit or use it, When folded out to make a bed it has a huge separation in the center and you cannot sleep on it it hurts your back. All the above has had to be replaced, we wasted our money, these items were junk The only two items that seem to be fair is the the Dining table and chairs, and Mirror.
Just a warning that the furniture with this company is very expensive and cheaply made. Beware when purchasing from this company. If temporary furniture you want than that's what you will get. I gave the company one star because the dining table is nice, the mirror is nice too. We were very disappointed by this company.